Diagram showing screws into the countersunk holes. Remember the heads of the screws MUST be below the bottom of the grooves, otherwise the angle adjustment will not be achieved.
Drill diameter 6.2mm hole through Part B center hole and existing shot gun pad as shown.
Protect the stock with masking tape. Using a belt sander, Blend the Recoil pad adjuster to match the Stock.
For best surface finish results only use belt sander to rough the size, than using emry paper finish polishing the AR-PAD to match the stock. gradually change the Grit of the paper. eg, use 100 grit first, than 250 grit, than use 500 grit, than use 1000 grit. and if you have a polisher, buff the final layer.
Using a thick piece of paper, trace the outside of the stock.
Drill marked out holes with a clearance drill to suit the existing shot gun pad screws.
Drill pilot holes for self tapping screws.
NOTE: the size of the drill should be the minor smallest
diameter of the screws you select to attach your existing pad to part B.
Cut of Excess screw length and make sure its flush.
With the screw and washer supplied, force through the rubber
pad until it bottoms out.
Using the pre drilled holes in the existing shot gun pad, Mark the holes to suit the attachment of part B using a scriber
Using the traced out paper, align with Part A and transfer the markings of the 2 holes
Illustration above showing completed AR-PAD Fitted.
Mark the scribbed lines with paint marker.
Diagram showing both holes pierced.
Attach Part A and Part B together using the square nut provided.
Using your existing pad, align Part B of the recoil pad adjuster with the recoil pad
Attach Part A to the Stock
After drilling the clearance holes in Part A, turn over and countersink to suit existing screws. NOTE: The head of the screws must be below the bottom of the grooves.
Using you self tapping screws, attach Part B to existing shot gun pad.
Rotate the Parts A & B as shown and insert the Stock screws.
NOTE: you may need to cut out a small section of the Stock to allow for the Movement of the screw.
Cut out the profile and align the paper to the Stock. Using your thumb, locate the existing holes in the stock, then using a pen, pierce the tracing paper into the existing holes on the stock.
Align Part A & B to the Stock. Clamp using the centre HEX Screw,